Create High Performance Through Humanity
Length: Half day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours)
Culture dissonance happens when the culture a company talks about is not the culture people actually experience. This inconsistency triggers apathy at best, and fear at worst. When our experience doesn’t match our positive expectation, trust erodes and self-preservation behavior takes over. People make decisions based on their own interests, they hide mistakes and protect their ideas. These conditions make it much more difficult for a team to thrive and achieve sustainable progress.
The solution is to build trust & connection through culture congruence - when the culture a company talks about is the same culture people actually experience. This happens when people take individual responsibility for their contribution to the culture they’re a part of.
During this interactive session, participants will explore, and learn how to apply, three vital leadership traits that create the foundation for culture congruence:
Honesty - Behaving in alignment with stated values and beliefs and taking responsibility when we veer off course
Humility - Putting others first, while acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses without letting ego take over
Humanity - Showing a genuine care and concern for the human experience of the people we lead and influence
Culture congruence builds trust in leaders and the organization as a whole. Trust leads to deeper relationships, a sense of belonging and greater discretionary effort. When we create this type of environment to take care of our people, our people will take care of the business through higher performance, engagement, communication, innovation, retention, well-being and more.